Monday, August 27, 2012


The best thing about Blogger is learning about other people's take on thing's that I love. A few weeks ago Guy from Greasy Kulture magazine spoke about "On any Sunday" and inreference to the hill climb section of the movie. I remember when I was 5 and I just started doing dirt track racing on a pee wee 50 and Dad took me into the George Street cinema's to see a movie. Mum said it would be a waste of time because I would not sit still but Dad said he would take me and he reckoned that I would not be a problem. I remember sitting there and the start kids were doing wheelies on the Bmx bikes I was like yeah cool then the movie started and Mert wearing a suit and I started saying to Dad this is boring then all of a sudden I heard that big V twin Harley flat track motor and Mert laying it out I was glued to the screen, did not ove for the entire length of the movie. This movie is started my love of bikes and racing and still to this day I love them, watch them and ride them. Thanks to Guy for reminding me of the movie I love so much, I grabbed it out of the cupboard watched it three time and told a mate that I had it now he has got it and watched four to five times. Best movie ever and the memories it brings are priceless!!! Cheers Lukefink


  1. the sound of mert in that sequence is ringing in my ears still after all these years.

  2. Hey Matt,

    Its fucking unreal the start with him hanging that Harley out. Hope all is well mate and that it is all good down in the Wood!!!

  3. No worries mate will flick it to you!!!
